Wednesday, May 4, 2011

If you don't like my trash, get over it.

A good old fashioned rant is what is needed here, but I think I can stay restrained long enough to get my well formed, opinionated and nonsensical pent up dislike across.  The infamous Galena City Council has decided that now to have a dumpster, one needs a permit.  The permit is good for 21 days and violators will be ticketed.  Get over yourselves.

Let the record show that I am a perpetual dumpster user, with two school aged kids, a wife and two dogs as well as myself, we generate a whole bunch of trash.  While it is true that I have had a monstrous dumpster outside my home for quite some time now, the reason, partially, is because we have been "banned" from having more than ONE garbage can for the weekly pickup.  One.  Not two, one.  The object of the City is to force, and I do mean FORCE, us into recycling more.  Thank you City Hall for entering my life and telling me that you know more than I do regarding recycling.

Here's an interesting bit of information regarding the recycling that so many put out weekly, in an attempt to reduce their footprint, or to insure that the polar bears will not have to become aquatic mammals themselves, every piece of recycling is thrown into a large garbage truck.  What's the big deal right?  Here's the big deal, its the SAME FLIPPING TRUCK THAT THEY PUT MY TRASH IN!  The same one.  Here's the kicker too, it all goes to the same place to be sorted through and disposed / recycled.  It matters not if you "recycle" you see, people are paid to go through it all, they don't care what flipping can it came from.

Deep breath time, I'll look at this from their perspective...  Dumpsters are ugly, they can be smelly, strange people rummage through them searching for treasures in amongst the chaff and they take up space.  These are all valid points, however this is a town that forbids yard waste to be placed in the trash, pet waste, chemicals / paints, etc., they do not allow for a day where used appliances / large household items can be picked up and recycled and have I mentioned only one can of trash a week... 

Why not implement a program to pickup large appliances / household items twice a year for instance?  Even though yard waste can be taken if it is properly tagged, why not utilize a City crew to pick it up instead and compost all of it in a City controlled area?  Why not allow the residents two simple cans a week, keep the stupid recycle bins and allow the citizens to decide what they will or will not recycle?  It makes sense doesn't it, that's why they would never implement such a thing.

In a City that has an enormous influx of people retiring from major Cities, and wanting to live the simple life, they decide that we have to change to the way they want to live.  Not too long ago, it was suggested that people shouldn't be allowed to park work trucks on the streets because they were dirty, and the tourists shouldn't be subjected to seeing them.  It has also been suggested that residents shouldn't be allowed to blow grass into the streets because its ugly, and of course we are forbidden to blow or push snow into the streets despite the fact that the stuff has to go somewhere. 

Congratulations Galena, you are allowing us to become a little police state, and forcing our police officers to write tickets for the stupidest crap.  Let them do their jobs, and get over your self-inflated, egotistical, self-righteous selves.  Unless you pay my mortgage or various other bills, stay the hell out of my personal life and realize that we are allowed to live our lives, our own way.  If you don't like it, too bad, you wouldn't like me telling you how to live or what you can or cannot do in your own houses so get over it...

Okay there was more venom there than expected, and it is a bit slanted but I really don't care, its my opinion.

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